Add value to your virtual and in-person color analysis consultations with our exclusive digital color swatch wallets.
These digital color swatch wallets can be saved to any smartphone making them a convenient way to ensure your clients always have their colors at hand for any planned or impromptu shopping trips.
They're also the perfect option for stylists looking for more sustainable options for plastic swatch wallets and fabric swatches for their environmentally conscious clients.
Each wallet includes 33 seasonal color swatches and 18 universal color swatches along with a cover that can be customized using Canva to include your logo and business branding creating a professional look.
They're a great way to save money as you purchase once and can use them as many times as you like with no extra licensing payments required.
12-Season Digital Color Swatch Wallets
To use this product/template, a free or pro-version of Canva is required.