Press and Media
Welcome to the press and media page for The Style Academy International. This page contains the most recent press releases, features, and mentions about The Style Academy International, our online training programs and resources for personal stylists, and our founder and CEO, Louisa Gabriel. We aim to update this page whenever new press and media coverage becomes available, so be sure to check back often to see all the latest activity and news.
If you are a journalist or media outlet interested in featuring The Style Academy International or looking for expert advice, please feel free to contact us. We are always open to sharing our story and providing insight on topics affecting personal stylists, the fashion and styling industry, image consulting, online education, and general issues relating to personal style.
Please direct all media inquiries to louisa@styleacademyintl.com
Keywords: Become a stylist. Become a personal stylist. Stylist certification. stylist training. personal stylist training. image consultant training. style coach training. style coaching. style coach. image consultant. fashion stylist. Become a fashion stylist. online fashion school. School of style. Style Academy International. personal stylist. stylist. fashion jobs. how to become a stylist. fashion. style. style boss. fashion school.