Ask any Stylist and they will tell you of the many clients they have worked with that want designer style but don't have a designer budget. Clients walk through the door armed with style ideas that they've seen on the runways at Fashion Week or in the latest edition of Vogue, and as Stylists, we get excited at the thought of shopping at the most exclusive designer stores. But more often than not the excitement soon dwindles when we see the budget and we wonder how we can meet their designer demands with only a high street budget. So how can a Stylist meet their client's desires without breaking the bank?
1. First and foremost, it's important to be open and honest with your clients about their expectations. Be clear about what their budget will afford them and don't promise something that you know you can't deliver.
2. Explore what they really like - Go through each picture they have brought you and find out what it is about each piece of clothing that they are attracted to. Is it the color? Is it the material? Is it the shape? This will help you identify what to look for as alternatives but stay true to what they like. They may have chosen an outfit because the color stood out to them rather than the style, so you can look for options in that color that are different styles.
3. Use shopping search engines - As with most things you might want to buy these days, internet search engines are a great way to find alternatives to those high-priced designer items. I personally always use Google, but obviously, you can use whichever one you prefer. By simply entering your keywords and hitting the 'shopping' option, you'll be provided with differently priced options for the styles you are looking for. Be specific with your search keywords and also include a maximum price to get the best options. The images below show a couple of alternative items I found using a Google search. By typing in the keywords, one-shoulder white top under $80 and brown leather skirt under $60, I was able to provide my client with some reasonably-priced alternatives to their designer favorites.

And finally, if you do find yourself with a client that has designer demands but only a high street budget, don't stress out! Flex your creative muscle and have fun with it!
Happy Styling!
Louisa 💕
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